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Home > Airplane engine in a sentence

Airplane engine in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2024-07-05Updated:2024-07-05
Similar words: airplaneplant engineeringairplane pilotairplane ticketmarine enginegasoline enginere-engineeringsoftware engineer
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1. The company produces mechanical parts for airplane engines.
2. An airplane engine is a complex mechanism.
3. Movement of airplane on the ground using airplane engine power.
4. In order to meet the requirements of airplane engine impellers for high-temperature and corrosion resistance, the structure of Ni-Cd alloy diffusion coating is studied.
5. Application: Main shaft of airplane engine or machine tool, high frequency motor, air compressor, oil pump and so on.
6. When testing the bolt of airplane engine with ultrasonic testing, a new statistical method was introduced to decide the sensitivity standard.
7. Those drills may punch holes in airplane engine parts, and thus help produce transportation for people and goods.
8. It is VFP system control software which controls the parameters measurement system of airplane engine.
8. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
9. This paper presents a simulation test control system of an airplane engine operating system, which control motor to simulate the force and velocity of throttle lever and the torque on axis.
10. A flight instructor reveals a student shutting down an airplane engine in flight.
11. The precise adjustment of the airplane air conditioning system is influenced much by the unstable flowing of gas out from airplane engine.
More similar words: airplaneplant engineeringairplane pilotairplane ticketmarine enginegasoline enginere-engineeringsoftware engineerservice engineervalue engineeringhuman engineeringlocomotive engineerreverse engineeringaerospace engineersoftware engineeringservice engineeringair plantmaintenance engineerengineering insuranceautomotive engineeringautomobile engineeringengineerengineeringfire enginefire-engineair enginesales engineercivil engineerchief engineerengineering discipline
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